Disaster Recovery

In today’s digital age, there is nothing more valuable to a company than your data. Whether you are protecting customer files, legal records or other critical information., you cannot afford to lose your data.  Studies have shown just how vital data is to a company, and how massive the ramifications can be if data were to be lost. For companies that experience a major data loss, over 40% of them closed their doors forever within only the first several weeks. The other 50% closed within two years of their data loss, leaving only a measly 6-10% of companies surviving their data loss.

JAZE offers cloud backup and disaster recovery are essential to your business.   Off-premises storage keeps data free from damage.   Customer data is encrypted, allowing for peace of mind. The offsite database mirrors your actual database in real time,  and you no longer need the physical storage space. it would otherwise require.

Most important, should you suffer the loss of data, JAZE can restore it quick, easy, and fast!  JAZE disaster recovery solutions include:   C7 Data Centers, NaviSite or New Cloud and many others.  See a list of providers here.

Let us help you protect the lifeblood of your business - your data.