Digital Transformation

Companies of all sizes are seeing enviable business outcomes from digital transformation efforts, such as product and service improvement and innovation, operational efficiency, and increased agility across the value chain. But the path to value starts with defining a strategy for your specific business needs and desired outcomes.

What is a digital transformation strategy?

A digital transformation strategy is a detailed plan for how your business will address key challenges created by the convergence of the physical, digital, and human worlds. Digital transformation is, in and of itself, a broad business strategy. Developing a roadmap for short- and long-term digital transformation, guided by business outcomes, not technology, is the essential foundation.

An avalanche of data comes with the addition of sensing and data transmitting devices to networks of connectivity and value. With the growth of the Internet of Things we already have more data in specific industries and applications (e.g. life sciences) than we can humanly handle. It’s the ways in which we analyze and use this data to enhance what we do across all areas of society that makes the Internet of Things so powerful. It’s clear that big data analysis, the Cloud, and other related technologies to enable this move from data to knowledge to outcome are all key digital transformation technologies.

How can JAZE help with your digital transformation?

With over 30 years of IT consulting experience focusing on the delivery of infrastructure services and cloud solutions, JAZE is uniquely positioned to help you make sense of digital transformation.